Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Company Car Show Time

Well, this should be the last post for a while. No plans to stop working on it or to sell it, but the next set of tasks will be less impressive in photos or text for that matter.

Here are photos from the latest "AREVA Transmission and Distribution Automation Systems Energy Management America Incorporated Car and Motorcycle Show," in Redmond.
I threw on the visor at the last minute and a few cans of primer. Tail lights were thumb screwed on, but not wired. Runs like a champ, a little hard to shift into 4th, but otherwise a pleasure to drive.

Next tasks will be...
1. tail lights
2. brake lights
3. headlights
4. high beams
5. interior lights
6. wire gauges
7. recover seat
8. install windshield wipers
9. hook up speedometer
10. fix windshield crank
11. rebuild steering box
12. new tires
13. paint rims
14. mount spare tire
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Little Primer Goes A Long Way

Threw down a couple cans of primer down on the truck for the company car show. I think it looks pretty mean. I like it. This will only be temporary until I get back to stripping off the original paint under the newly primered panels.

Although I think this will be nice enough for a while and should allow my ADD tendencies to focus on finishing the electrical system.

Brake lights, headlights and windshield wipers seem like a good idea. Maybe I'll splurge and get seat belts.... maybe.

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Friday, September 4, 2009


I just picked up the truck from the shop today and drove it home. That's right; drove it home!

The folks at Kirkland Classic Cars did a ton of work on it and everything they touched seems to work great. A little early to know for sure but the engine lit up like a prius. Well not really like a prius, but pretty damn good anyway.

I had the shop do all the wet work, but they were not able to find one gasket, the lifter gasket, the one that leaks all over the place. Until I get the last of the leaks fixed or until after I epoxy the garage floor, the truck is going to have to stay outside.

Also, the company car show is on the 17th. Seeing as I expect to be out of town until the 16th, it does not look good as for having the electrical set up for the show. Or most importantly having brake lights, turn signals, or head lamps...

That just might be the price to I have to pay to get the truck to the show.

One last thing... I think the new grill looks GREAT. Maybe a little too shiny :)
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