Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fixing a gas leak like a dutch boy

One of the things I had to fix before getting back on the street was a slow gas leak from where the fuel line connects to the gas tank under the truck. I knew there was gas in the tank as I remember putting some in before driving it from Renton to Redmond.

So to get prepped, i bought a 5 gallon gas can and found a funnel and hose to direct the fuel from the short flexible fuel line to the gas can. No problem right? I disconnected the fuel line and holy $#!t!!! The gas came flying out. Mostly on me, but at least I was wearing cotton gloves... So after getting soaked in gasoline from my hands to my chest, I got the funnel jimmied in place so I did not have to hold it any more.

I looked around and saw waves of gas fumes rolling off the kitchen table sized puddle under the truck... and myself. Awesome. I realized also that I had an extension cord running under the truck plugged into my shop light so I could see under the truck. After a moment of indecision on whether I wanted to burn like a Buddhist monk, I ran like a 5 year old after a soccer ball to cut the power to the extension cord.

It this point I noticed that I was getting dizzy. Awesome. Time to move some air in this beaotch. I grabbed my electric leaf blower and set it on the ground so it would blow under the truck. OK everything is good.

How much gas was in the tank....? not sure but the can was starting to get full... In come Serene (my wife) and she says, "I'm freaking out because we are supposed to leave the house in 30 min and the kids are still in the bath, you are in the garage, and the babysitter is not here or answering her cell phone. This is not ok."

You have got to be freaking kidding me. I looked at her very calmly and said, "My upper body is soaked in gasoline. I have a stream of gas coming out of the truck and my gas can is almost full. I am trying to not burn down our house with you and the kids inside, so I will help you after I get this under control."

Serene, to her credit responds, "Oh $#!t, ok" and walked back into the house.

So back to the problem at hand, 10 pounds of $#!t and a 5 pound bag. Think, think, think. I could put the fuel line back together, that would work, but it also would be like putting a garden hose sprayer on a garden hose, while the water is running. I'm pretty sure I have enough gas on me for the year. Vise grips! I'll pinch off the hose. ...where are my vise grips...

Anyway, after bathing in gasoline and almost burning myself and my house and family, I drained 15 gallons of gas. Thankfully Serene's van was only half full so I was able to fill her tank with the excess. Whew, I'd glad that is over.

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